The Value of Partnerships

July 5, 2022

The Value of Partnerships

As your supply partner, we’re not just focused on meeting your needs today, but on positioning ourselves for your lasting success.

Recent years have brought rapid changes to the furniture industry.


Retailers that were able to remain nimble and make quick decisions have benefited from a surge in sales. Now, fears of inflation, waning demand and shifting consumer expectations have left the future feeling uncertain.  


During these times, the Ohio Hardwood Furniture Market and the members of the Hardwood Furniture Guild remain focused on navigating these changes with you. In doing so, we invite you to think of Amish furniture as less of a style and more of a way of doing business. 

Trends change, designs evolve and what your customers want from you today may eventually fall out of fashion. However, we believe a strong, domestic furniture supply chain – from our Appalachian forests to your showroom floor – is essential to the long-term sustainability of our industry.


As your supply partner, we’re not just focused on meeting your needs today, but on positioning ourselves for your lasting success. Let’s keep talking about how we can take on our shared challenges together and capitalize on the opportunities that await us all.

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